Addressing Knee Pain with the Fascia Science of Rolfing©
By Certified Rolfer Hayley Matthews (London, Norfolk, Essex)
what is causing your knee pain?
Knee pain can be mysterious. Often we go to the doctor and they can’t tell us the cause of our pain. Sometimes we can x-ray or scan and see nothing that indicates knee pain.
Sometimes the knee is swollen, sometimes not. Sometimes the pain is diagnosed as arthritis, or a suspected minor cartilage or ligament tear, with no solution offered.
How does rolfing© address your knee pain?
Rolfing is a physical therapy. Whether there has been an injury or not we address knee pain holistically. We look at the whole body and how you might be putting pressure through the knee joint. And we undo patterns caused by overuse, stress or injury.
Working in this way can help fluid drain from the joint and re-establish movement patterns that do not pressurise the knee joint.
“I found my Rolfing session with Hayley to be invaluable. Suffering with knee pain, in the first session Hayley showed me a technique for mobilising my knee with minimum effort. I have since been applying the technique to other body movement and find it most effective. She has also improved my gait and the way I move so my body looks and feels lither.
The underlying principle of Rolfing is that injuries, poor movement habits, stress, the wear and tear of life and chronic conditions can cause the fascia (connective tissue) to stiffen and or migrate away from its most easeful place in the body.
Fascia is the tough, densely woven, supportive connective tissue which spreads continuously throughout the body in a three dimensional web.
Rolfing is designed to loosen the fascia and re-organise it when it has migrated out of place. Resulting in a freedom in muscle movement, the unlearning of painful or stuck patterns, the undoing of misuse and recovery from injury.
This is done through touch and by re-organising the posture.